Business apps
Enhance your customer relationship
From the moment a customer installs your app on his mobile, you have a direct line with him. Offer your customers added value with your app, the app makes the contact better and more intensive. The customer sees your organisations logo on a regular basis on his phone. You can provide with information and features that offer him added value.
Start your own business app now! Contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Information apps
The word information actually indicates it. This type of app can provide the customer with different types of information. This can be price information or a supplier’s inventory, but it can also be news from an organization. This category also includes apps that provide information based on timetables or location. This includes, for example, departure and arrival times, location-based activities or a program guide. An informative app is often linked to a database so data is always updated.
Order apps
With an order app, you offer your customer the opportunity to place an order directly from their mobile phone. Ordering via your mobile instead of having a desktop or laptop already offers many benefits. Your customer can now place an order and pay for it immediately. Ordering through an app is growing rapidly. Make sure your business does not miss this battle!
Support apps
This type of app offers your customer the ability to submit a support request. This includes GPS data and, for example, an image. The app can also be provided with a question and answer database.
If you are working with support tickets, a support app that is linked to the ticket system can offer you the current status.
Apps with location facilities
Create apps to track, for example, shipments or follow vehicles. Combine this with your business processes to give your customers and your organization the best insight into relevant location data. There are many types of tracking information. Speed, time, height, location etc. Many apps use location facilities. For example photo apps, sports apps, post apps, auto apps, the possibilities are endless, talk to isource about the possibilities.